Handwriting - My Way™ is an interactive ebook created for iPhone, iPad and Mac. Available on iBooks. Beyond the scope of current handwriting applications, Handwriting - My Way is like having a personal tutor on your device. Handwriting - My Way provides multi-modal instruction for letter formation, letter identification and letter sound through the use of interactive widgets and instructional videos. In Chapter 5, Numbers, students are provided with the opportunity to learn number identification and formation. Additionally, Chapter 6, Handwriting By Grade™, provides an outline for the progression of handwriting skills from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Also included in this chapter are universal classroom strategies that can be used by parents and educators to further streamline instruction both between home and school, as well as inside individual classrooms, between grade level teams and between grade levels.
StudentsHandwriting - My Way was designed to be used by children in Pre-K through Fifth Grade. Children as young as age four can begin watching and listening to the letter and number formation videos, tracing the animated letters as they are able. By incorporating the universal handwriting strategies included in Chapter 6, Handwriting by Grade, students can continue to progress in their handwriting ability and skill throughout their elementary school careers...
InstructionHandwriting - My Way performs beyond the scope of current writing apps by providing step by step instruction for letter formation in a multi-modal format. Students are able to see the letters, hear the letter names, hear the correct letter sounds, watch animated letter formation videos, learn repeatable verbal cues for correct letter formation, and trace the animated letter and number videos with their fingertip to begin learning correct formation and motor-planning...
GuidanceHandwriting by Grade, included as Chapter 6, provides grade level writing expectations, as well as universal handwriting strategies. This chapter includes a "typical description" of "bad handwriting" and strategies focused on preventing these problems instead of the less successful but more frequently attempted strategy of "fixing" these issues when they arise. The universal strategies and grade level handwriting expectations for young writers are first organized by grade...
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